
Olive Oil Pairings

At Primo Oils & Vinegars people often ask what our favorite olive oil pairings are. We have so many it's hard to choose! We've put together a list of olive oil pairings that are the most popular in our shop. Some are savory, some are sweet and some are surprising!...

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What to Do During Derby Week

What to Do During Derby Week

Derby time is upon us! The bucket-list event of the year is here and that means house-guests for nearly every single one of us. Sure, they are coming for the Derby but what else do you do with your guests while they are here? We’ve put together a short list of some of...

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Farmers Markets

Primo will be participating in the following Farmers Markets: Beginning March 12 (weather permitting): Douglass Loop at the Douglass Blvd Christian Church – 10am – 2pm   Beginning May 14: St. Matthews at Beargrass Christian Church – 8am – 12noon   New Albany...

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Our first anniversary!

Primo Oils and Vinegars celebrates its one year anniversary We believed that people with discerning tastes in the Kentuckiana region were ready to accept the concept of a tasting room presenting the highest quality extra virgin olive oils and balsamic vinegars from...

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